Shaping the future of aquafeed Omega-3 Alternatives

Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the health of fish, shrimp, and the humans who consume them. However, sourcing these crucial nutrients for aquafeed has become increasingly complex.

Diversifying Omega-3 Sources 

Traditionally, fish oil has been the primary source of omega-3 fatty acids in aquafeed. To reduce reliance on this limited resource, BioMar explores alternative sources such as terrestrial oilseed crops (rapeseed, soybean, sunflower) and rendered oils from terrestrial animals. These alternatives provide various levels of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants but lack the essential marine lipids EPA and DHA found in pelagic fish. 

Innovative Solutions with Algae and GM Oils 

BioMar has successfully produced over 2 million metric tonnes of salmon feed using algae oil, demonstrating no negative impact on fish growth, health, or product quality. This success highlights the potential of algae as a sustainable omega-3 source. Additionally, the approval of genetically modified oils by the Norwegian Food and Safety Authority in 2023 marked a significant advancement. Our partnership with Yield10 Bioscience aims to commercialise genetically modified omega-3 camelina oil, offering new possibilities for aquafeed formulation. 

Overcoming Industry Hesitation 

Despite the proven benefits and extensive research supporting omega-3 alternatives, industry adoption could be faster. Concerns about supply, cost, nutrient profiles, and production techniques contribute to this hesitation. At BioMar, we are committed to addressing these concerns and demonstrating the value and efficacy of omega-3 alternatives. 

Read the full story and read more about BioMar's sustainability initiatives in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

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