Circular & Restorative

At BioMar, we take action for our areas of responsibility. We encourage and stimulate restorative practices in our supply chain and have set targets for minimum inclusion levels of circular and restorative ingredients.
BioMar considers raw materials originating from by-products and waste streams to be circular. We seek to decouple feed supply chains from direct competition with food for human consumption.
We define restorative ingredients as raw materials that significantly shift the balance between ecosystem impacts and human production systems. The goal is to stimulate net-positive environmental outcomes compared to time-bound relevant benchmarks.

Milestones in 2023

  • 29% Circular and/or Restorative ingredients 

  • Submitted manuscripts to scientific journals to document our improved biodiversity coverage of our Restorative method 

  • Announced new partnership with French insect meal supplier Agronutris, building on years of long-term collaboration with insect meal producers with special focus on valorisation of low-value substrates (by-products) 

  • Record-low FFDR of 0.67 achieved through overall lower inclusion of marine ingredients, higher trimmings share, and several new partnerships launched within circular marine by-products 

  • Partneredship with key suppliers to promote restorative practices, including regenerative agriculture 

  • Advanced scientific platform cooperation with closer to commercialisation for several low-impact circular fermentation companies being close to commercialisation. 

Download our Circular & Restorative Milestones 2023

Targets for 2030

  • 50% Circular & Restorative ingredients in our feed by 2030 

  • We seek to decouple feed supply chains from directly competing with food for human consumption 

  • Increase the use of Circular ingredients 

  • Increase the use of Restorative ingredients 

  • Annual reporting on hotspot raw material compliance 

  • Increased evidence-based transparency 

Circular & Restorative Key Milestones 2023

  • Best FFDR in BioMar history: 0.67

  • 29% Circular and/or Restorative ingredients

Read the full story and read more about BioMar's sustainability initiatives in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

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