Special feed for recirculation systems

With the innovation ORBIT, we are focusing on growth, water quality and biofilter load. ORBIT is perfectly balanced nutrition for fish, designed for maximum utilisation of nutrients. In practice, ORBIT provides the same good quality as our CPK, but with a reduced FCR.

ORBIT focuses in particular on water quality

The concept was developed by BioMar Continental Europe for the production of portion trout in recirculation systems (RAS). ORBIT for trout has resulted in an increase in production of up to 20% with the same biofilter capacity. This says a lot about the potential of the concept. We have now further developed ORBIT for salmon.

ORBIT for salmon

ORBIT for salmon is designed for high growth and a low FCR. Reduced load on biofilters provides better water quality and allows increased production using the existing biofilter capacity.

  • High physical quality and precise nutrient levels

    The effects are achieved by high physical quality, a high level of digestibility, high and precise levels of essential nutrients and a reduction in faecal production.

  • Area of use

    ORBIT is specially designed for RAS systems but can easily be used in through-flow systems where there are specific requirements for optimal water quality or reduced nutrient discharges.

ORBIT - an optimal feed

Farming in modern recirculation systems requires that good care is taken of both the fish and the bacteria that live on the biofilters. Using ORBIT reduces the load on biofilters, and in practice production can be increased over the existing biofilter area. ORBIT is also supplied as ORBIT intro, a SMARTfeed that focuses on health in connection with vaccination and exposure to the sea.

Perfect feed in many ways

ORBIT differs from current feed for young fish in many areas. Improved protein digestibility reduces nitrogen emissions into the aquatic environment.

Our experiments show an 11% reduction in nitrogen emissions in the form of ammonia via the fishes' gills (see figure). In theoretical terms, this means that existing biofilter capacity can handle an increase in feeding of around 10% when ORBIT is used.

ORBIT - comprehensive documentation

Comprehensive research programme

It all started in Denmark with the farming of freshwater trout, where the key thing is good growth and extensive production without increasing emissions to other freshwater recipients. The concept has been further developed and is now thoroughly documented for salmon in the North Sea and Americas. ORBIT is supported by a comprehensive research programme with experiments that have been carried out over the last 3 years. All these research results have now been implemented in ORBIT.

A range of raw material combinations have been tested to find the optimum raw materials for the desired effect on faecal structure (see figure).

ORBIT- feed for recirculation systems

  • Provides equally good growth as the best standard feed for young fish

  • Provides a lower FCR than the best standard feed for young fish

  • Provides the best water quality

  • Provides fewer nitrogen emissions and organic matter

  • Reduces biofilter load

  • Provides better intestinal health

Feed Solutions

Fueling growth and performance

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