BioSustain Impact Parameters

The BioSustain Impact Parameters provide you with an understanding of the most critical areas of environmental impact from feed production. We developed these indicators to further guide and define sustainable innovation in feed and aquaculture. Quantifying and disclosing the impacts of our feeds helps steer us towards a more sustainable aquaculture industry.

Carbon footprint

Climate change caused by Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHGs) is one of the biggest threats to the planet and its inhabitants.

Carbon footprint is a measure of the cumulative GHG emissions from the lifecycle of a product or service expressed in CO₂equivalents. 

Learn about Our Promise

Circular & Restorative

Global food production is currently operating beyond planetary boundaries for a sustainable future.

Aquafeed should therefore be decoupled from environmental degradation and direct competition with human food production.

Learn about Responsible Sourcing

Forage Fish Dependency Ratio (FFDR)

Marine ingredients are limited resources that should be used responsibly.

The FFDR is a measure of forage fish equivalents utilise to produce one unit of farmed seafood.

Our Usage 2023

Frequently asked questions

Results (13)

    The expansion of Blue IMPACT

    BioMar’s feed concept Blue IMPACT has a special focus on minimising the environmental impact of aquaculture.

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    What is our BioSustain LCA v.7?

    BioMar’s sustainability programme BioSustain helps foster the use of high-quality, low-impact raw materials in feed recipes.

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    BioMar's carbon targets approved as the 'most ambitious'

    This is currently the most ambitious designation available through the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) process.

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    Circular feed bags

    Being mindful of our planet's resources at BioMar extends beyond our feed recipes to include the packaging of our aquafeeds.

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    The importance of limiting warming to 1.5°C

    The scientific community has stressed the urgency of limiting warming to 1.5°C because the health of oceans, ecosystems, and humans depends on it.

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    The birth and development of BioSustain, a sustainability measuring tool

    Aquaculture is one of the most important food providers in the world and it requires a lot to secure that long-term growth takes place in a sustainable and efficient way.

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    BioMar brings focus to the blue journey towards increased sustainability

    Knowledge of several critical environmental impact areas of aquafeeds is essential in helping make sustainable decisions.

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    Circular Economy Thinking

    BioMar seeks to decouple feed supply chains from directly competing with food for human consumption.

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    BioMar's carbon targets approved as the 'most ambitious'

    This is currently the most ambitious designation available through the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) process.

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    BioMar brings focus to the blue journey towards increased sustainability

    Knowledge of several critical environmental impact areas of aquafeeds is essential in helping make sustainable decisions.

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    Circular feed bags

    Being mindful of our planet's resources at BioMar extends beyond our feed recipes to include the packaging of our aquafeeds.

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    Can we measure sustainability?

    The birth and development of BioSustain, a sustainability measuring tool

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