Circular feed bags

Being mindful of our planet's resources at BioMar extends beyond our feed recipes to include the packaging of our aquafeeds. Our local markets have established innovative solutions for upcycling their feed bags.

The more life cycles you can get out of a product, the better for the environment. Reusing a product is the ideal solution but is not always possible, especially with food and feed packaging. In Costa Rica our feed bags are cleaned and sterilised before being reused up to 14 times.

Finding new ways to use our feed bags is a great way to extend their life. In Chile, our maxi-bags are cleaned, dyed, and turned into rainproof ponchos by local indigenous communities. These repurposed ponchos are then sold at local markets and to tourists caught in the irregular rainfalls in Patagonia.

In many of our markets the BioMar bags are transformed into polypropylene pellets and used to manufacture new BioMar bags or other plastic-based products. In Ecuador, they recycle their bags and turn them into playgrounds for local communities. In Norway, BioMar bags can be found in car bumpers and pot plants, while in the UK, they are in recycling buckets and even garden furniture. In Vietnam, your shopping bag might have had its first life as a BioMar feed bag.

We also tried to use our recycled material within our value chain. Around 75% of the feed bag in Denmark comes from recycled material. The pallets transporting our feeds in Australia were once the BioMar feed bags.

When we adopt a circular thinking mindset, then the possibilities of what even a feed bag can become are only limited by our imagination.

Read the full story and read more about BioMar's sustainability initiatives in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

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