Fish oil: A Vital Source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish oil is a crucial ingredient in aquafeed formulations, valued for its unique nutritional composition, particularly its high levels of essential omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA). These fatty acids are vital for optimal growth, development, and the overall well-being of farmed fish. It not only enhances feed conversion efficiency but also plays a significant role in supporting immune function, reproductive health, and the development of larvae and eggs in broodstock.

Fish oil is primarily derived from small marine fish that are typically not utilized for direct human consumption, such as sandeel, anchovies, and other similar species. These fish are rich in oil, making them an ideal source for extracting the valuable omega-3 fatty acids. After the fish are processed, the oil is extracted and refined into a high-quality product used in aquaculture feeds.

Traceability and fisheries management are key aspects of fish oil production. From the feed manufacturing process all the way back to the fishery, every step is carefully monitored, including the species utilized, the area where the fish were caught, certifications, and the transportation and storage methods. This ensures transparency and helps guarantee that the fish oil is sourced sustainably, following responsible fishing practices.

Sustainability and Circular Economy

The environmental performance of fish oil as a raw material is closely linked to the health and management of marine fisheries. Responsible fishing practices, ecosystem-based management, and strict adherence to sustainable quotas are essential to ensure that fish oil can continue to be produced without overexploiting wild fish populations. To support sustainability, certifications such as MarinTrust and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) are recommended, as they guarantee that the fish oil has been sourced from well-managed fisheries.

Fish oil is increasingly a part of the broader circular economy in aquaculture, as more and more fish oil is being produced from seafood by-products, such as fillet trimmings. By recycling by-products from the marine ecosystem, the industry can reduce the demand for primary resources such as crops from arable land or whole fish caught for marine ingredients. This contributes to a more sustainable and resilient food production system.

Low Carbon Footprint

Fish oil has one of the lowest carbon emissions intensities per unit of omega-3s delivered amongst feed raw materials. Fish oils derived from well-managed fisheries and originating from seafood by-products, are among the most sustainable and preferable lipid sources available to the aquaculture industry.

Forage Fish Dependency Ratio (FFDR)

The demand for fish oil in aquaculture, however, does place pressure on wild fish stocks as the primary resource base. This increased demand has led to concerns about the sustainability of fish oil production in the long term. The FFDR is a measure of how much wild fish (kg) it takes to produce one kg of farmed fish. The ratio, which is expressed as a fraction (kg wild fish / kg farmed fish) is often used to de-lineate feed recipes that have a low reliance (FFDR < 1) or a higher reliance (FFDR > 1) on wild marine resources.  Reducing the FFDR by finding alternative, sustainable sources of omega-3 fatty acids is crucial to addressing these concerns. Innovations in alternative feed ingredients, such as plant-based omega-3s or algae-based oils, are increasingly being explored as viable substitutes to lessen the reliance on fish oil and support more sustainable aquaculture practices.

Results (12)

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